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It's About the Memories

While it was not uncommon for artists to maintain "papers," which is a sophisticated way to say a scrapbook, if Nona had kept such "papers" I do not, nor does anyone in my immediate family, have them. Where did Nona study? Who did she study under? Did she know or meet any famous artists of the day? And who is this great aunt whose works hung in the National Gallery Museum? All are burning questions to which the answers continue to allude me. Countless hours of searching the internet and any website dedicated to the documentation of artists have yielded absolutely nothing. What complicates matters even more is that my grandmother was a woman. While women artists have contributed greatly to art and the advancement of art thru out the centuries, establishing yourself as a noted woman artist during this time was exceedingly challenging. As a result, not much is known or documented about many such women like my grandmother. All that is most likely available are personal family records and memories.

Unfortunately, the detailed memories and knowledge of Nona, her education, her career, and as important, the names of her distant relatives, died with my grandfather, her son. My step grandmother is still living, but we have not seen her since his funeral. Perhaps she has information or possessions of Nona's that my grandfather kept. I plan on reaching out to her. While both my mother and father knew and remember Nona, I am in need of details. More specifically, validation of the details. Thankfully, before his death my father had him write down all that he could remember. He is going to send me this information. Perhaps there are some leads there. After all, it is about the memories. If I could impart any advice at this early stage of my great journey of discovery it would be talk to and document everything from your relatives that are still living. You never know how this information could help you in your future. And, it can save you countless hours of research.

In a desperate attempt to find out any information on who is this great aunt I have made a post on It will be a miracle....but then, miracles do happen.


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